Pragatisheel Karan Samaj Sewadal is working for the upliftment/betterment of the Karan / Kandera Samaj. It is a registered society with the Registrar of Societies Delhi Regn.No.District East/Society/75/2012. Sewadal works for the unity of Karan/Kandera Samaj by organizing monthly meetings, Holi Milan Samaroh in the different parts of the Delhi. Sewadal organized a Samuhik Vivah Sammelan on 9th July, 2011 at Badarpur, Dehi. It was an effort for prevention of dowry. Sewadal felt the difficulties faced the members of the Samaj in finding/searching of marriageable boys so Sewadal organized a parichay sammelan for marriageable boys/girls. Sewadal has been working under the guidance of Shri Master Khem Chand and Shri Ram Kishan Masterjee. At present Shri Bale Ram is the President, Shri S.K. Karan is General Secretary and Shri Nem Chand is Treasurer. The details of the members are as under:- The Kandera, also known as Pinjara or Pinara, are a community of ginners, and belong to Hindu community. Pinjara or Pinara seems to be their occupational name. In local terms kani means cotton and those who do the work of cotton are Kandera/Karan
Once the pregenancy is confirmed the midwife is informed. The delivery takes place at the house of her husband. The attending midwife cuts the umbilical cord. She serves the baby and the mother till the sod day. After this the mother takes care of her child. Mandal pujan is done after a fortnight of child birth when new lac bangles are worn. Mandal pujan in case of female issues and kua pujan in case of male issues marks the ned of pollution period for the mother. She can enter the kitchen and start cooking. Actually she starts cooking after two months or so as she needs complete rest after the child birth marriage negotiations are initiated by the girl’s party through a common kin. Once the martch is fixed they consult the pandit about the dates for ban, tel and phera. Summer months after the harvest of Rabi crops is the ideal period for marriage. The marriage is soemnised according to the Hindu rites and rituals. Tilak is the first ritual performed in marriage.
They cremate their dead. The body is given a bath. The mourning for the deceased is observed for twelve days. On the third day they perform a rite and the bones are consigned to holy Ganga at Haridwar. Terhvi is performed on thirteenth day which marks the end of death rites. The eldest son acts as the chief mourner and succeeds his deceased father.
The Kandera are mainly a landless community. They live on cotton ginning and making quilt, pillow and other bed material. Also some are successfully doing the business of cotton. They have trade ties with the other traders. They have customers from different communities. Transaction is largely in cash. Credit facilities are given to only old customers. Payment is always in cash. Those who cannot afford to maintain a shop they serve in the shops on daily payment or on contract basis. Their main season to starts from Dussehra and continues till Holi, during the winter months. After Holi it is a lean period for them. They are dependent on the the market system. In rural areas those who have some land also do farming. They also have taken to other petty business.
At the locality level they have a panch of their own to look after the disputes of social nature. Patil or choudhary is the traditional head of this panch. They go to the court of law for criminal offences and disputes regarding property. Panchayal raj or municipal corporation are concerne3d laragely with the maintenance and development of civic amenities. They have an organization at the community level which is more interested in social reforms. Traditional pnach has lost its importance and has been reduced to a mere body without such authority.