Pragatisheel Karan Samaj Sewa Dal is working for unity, upliftment of society. Sewa Dal organizes collective marriages, parichay sammelans for marriageable girls & boys.
If you want to donate for upliftment and unity of Karan samaj please do donate and rest assure that not even single rupee of yours will be misused or wasted.
This is a small step towawrds a better future for our people, we will appreciate any help from your side.
Pragatisheel Karan Samaj Sewa Dal
दान के लिए
संस्था का नाम : प्रगतिशील करन समाज सेवा दल राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्रीय दिल्ली
अकाउंट नंबर : सी एल एस बी 120010
बैंक का नाम : कार्पोरेशन बैंक, प्रीत विहार ब्रांच, दिल्ली – 110092